Thursday 25 December 2014

Epithets Of Juno

A tutelary deity of the sovereignty of people,
Never short of Vitality , Juno Lucina
Independent , Deliberate , Elegant & Simple
The great Mystic River, Juno Anahita
A goddess evoked in war & for reasons political
Subduing conflicts, primordial mother, Juno Regina
Intellectual  & wise for the worthy counsel
Numen for peace & war alike, Juno Moneta
Goddess in every sense of the world, divinity principal,
Heralded as the worthy & equal in the traid Capitolina 

Jostling & cajoling you to your high,
 is her support & aid,
Nonchalantly consoling when you cry,
Onerously guarding you, firm & unswayed  
Uncolored and unbiased is her care,
Nurturing & nourishing what was bare,
Inspiring love, life & freedom, with a prayer
Her epithets of her character are countless ,
Entrenched her tales, with heroism & prowess,
Rich fables of righteous strife & virtuous feat,
Ardently blessed is the ground beneath her feet,

Tuesday 28 October 2014


A charming smile,
Magnetic style, 
Radiant socialite 
Inherently childlike 
Teeming with excitement     
Ardent & acquiescent

She wants to feel with every fiber of her being
Inclined to every colour in the spectrum,,
Navigate through the sights & vision; alluring
Grooving to  all the notes  invoked by the plectrum
Hosting all the flavors & tastes gradations
Harboring the entire range of emotions

She is just like water, clear as day,
Dedicated to work but Eager to play,
Reverberating warmth & spreading cheer 
The joyous maiden, the Italian belvedere

Of Pure Heart,
Of Noble will,
The harbinger of spring

Tuesday 30 September 2014


Gallant. Resourceful. Enigmatic. Exotic. Strong. Humane. Magnetic. Alluring.
Intuitive. Self-assured. 
Sexy. Uber-conscientious. Passionate. Exceptional. Reticent.

How often do you come across a woman who is as intelligent as she is beautiful, as imposing as she is enticing, as calm & composed as she is wild & tempestuous?
Such beauty of character is excruciatingly unbearable, offering just a glimpse of an eternity that one would want to stretch out to forever. It is truly overwhelming to come across women that are such immaculate replicas of the lore and tales that engineer the perfect heroine right down to the minutest detail. What’s even more magical is that such divas cross your path daily without ever leaking a hint of their lineage.
With an alluring smile, shapely eyebrows, glossy skin, Venus-red lips, manicured finger nails & spools of hair plunging around her face that envelop a swan’s neck; elegant and smooth; you would take her for  one among the countless decked up Barbie dolls. However for some inexplicable reason she will always stand out.

Maybe it’s the calm soothing voice or the charming personality or maybe is the facets of her persona that integrate to create a stunning tapestry. Something enables her to transcend the attractive, into the realm of what is enchantingly, irresistibly gorgeous.

Much like the iconic comic book counter-part BATWOMAN, what sets her apart from the crowd are her set of values & beliefs. Her core built on a robust foundation of morals & ethics & she defends them vehemently. She upholds her values with all integrity. Thus she is just not your average superhero, battling lowlifes, thugs & criminals, but her strife lies in an entirely different dimension.
A strong character, iron will & an dedicated work ethic strengthen her comprehensively. Her solidarity & fortitude are shaped over time with the battles she fights. Her mettle & spirit evolve with every endeavour. Her soul & ethos whetted with every trial.
Thus she can inspire action, provoke intellect, stimulate senses, and kindle the very reason of one’s existence. This is visible in the way she dresses, the way she thinks and the way she goes about her tasks. She seeks to quell the tyranny of OR, gunning only for the Best of Both Worlds. Unsurprisingly the pinnacle yields to her supremacy, as she marches into the hallmark of perfection.

What adds to her appeal is that although she reveres perfection, she is actually the pontiff of change. "Change is the only constant", she propounds. Her attitude & her approach grant her the ability to not just predict & perceive change, but also leverage it. This confers her with maturity (that is beyond her years), insight(that is lucid & eloquent) & serenity (that is well poised & tranquil).

This is probably why she has the ability to see through façades and peer into the true self of people. This is why she can not only incite people around her to strive for the impossible, but also can build their courage and will to last that journey. Much like the fictional character who not only made the super- awesome BATMAN, more relatable & humane but also helped him rally back in time of sheer distress.  

She is undeniably & invariably the heroine that you need, but may not necessarily deserve.

Monday 20 January 2014

Ode To First Love....

You hold your breath as she passes by,
Absorbing her glimpse, letting out a sigh,
You feel alive, and yet subdued,
A gush of colour and passion fills you high

Unimaginable and incomprehensible,
Naïve but unpredictable,
Perfect, innocent, and undoubtedly true,
Pious yet surreal,

The First love Is like the first wave of the sea,
Drenching you with colour and magic, she
Makes you a believer, a dreamer,
Captivating your heart, yet setting you free,

She grants you a life, yet perishes soon after,
She shows you a mystical world, but locks herself out
She teaches you  to give, to commit, to love, to live,
As she leaves, she shatters you throughout,

First love is never meant to be, they tell you,
Yet its one of the most beautiful feeling you ever knew,
As you recover, you rebuild, & redeem yourself,
You realize the special place she has, her true value,

She completed your frame, leaving out space for a special someone,
She concluded a story, but sparked off a new one,
She was probably not right for you, but she taught you all the right things,
She is the FIRST, forever special, forever sparkling, second to none…